

It's weird to think we can do whatever we want-
I could book a holiday tomorrow
Walk out of class
Kiss a stranger
and everything else

But I don't
Because we're restricted. Whether it's due to family, friends, education or money. We're restricted.
I can't book a holiday tomorrow because I don't have the money and I have exams coming up.
I can't walk out of class because trouble will ensue and just before my exams isn't a good idea.
I can't kiss a stranger due to fear of judgement by my family, friends and the person I kiss. It's weird how we have the world at our finger tips but really we don't.

We all plan but never live- me included. I feel trapped in a sense- bored of this repetitive life but I can't just move away- again restricted.

Imagine a world without them. Where you could run down the streets naked and and sing to your hearts content in public places. Imagine being able to leave class whenever with no fear that consequences will be faced. Imagine just being able to live with no worries. Obviously havoc would arise and it would be nothing but mayhem but that feeling of doing something with no regrets nor worries is a feeling I don't feel enough- and I really should.

So although it's long passed New Years here are some things I will hope to do in the short time I have on planet earth called life (I don't mean I'm going to die tomorrow or something but compared to time spent in wherever after death life on earth is short):

-Finish writing a book
-Visit Spain, America, Australia and Canada (I probably wanna go more in the future but for now those 4)
-Tell someone how I really feel about them- whether that's telling someone I love them, hate them, think that they should change their attitude or whatver.
-Meet Andrew Scott (I have an actual obsession with him)
That's him down there ↓↓↓
Call the press- Minoo put a picture on a blog post
-Meet some of my internet friends
And most importantly
-Feel content with life


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