
A-Z of my life!

Okay so seeing as I'm always out for ideas for blog posts because I have no imagination or anything interesting happening in my life I thought.

Why not tell you some stories or random stuff about my life?

I mean yeah you guys know I'm 14 and I live in London.

But do you know about my birthday parties?

Or what my first word was or something?

Well this is here to tell you!

Everytime I can't really think of a blog post I'll tell you a story or something about my life. Beginning with a specific letter that is. (I will probably miss out Q and that's about it)

So today I'll start with A obviously, since this is going in alphabetical order.

The biggest story I can think of beginning with A is:

An appendix is a tube-shaped sac attached to and opening into the lower end of the large intestine in humans and some other mammals.

Now you may be wondering
"Okay so we all have an appendix, what's different about yours?"

Nothing. Apart from the fact that one Sunday in April 2007 around 10:00pm I had to go to the hospital because it had inflamed.

I remember it so clearly..

The next story will be like a comic since they're a little more fun. Enjoy!

That didn't work either so then I had to go to hospital. It was a fun yet scary experience.

I mean I got to do the jelly thing pregnant women do! I wish I could have that thing done without getting pregnant. IT FEELS SO COOL!

Also I made a few friends in the hospitals play area and I got to make cool stuff..

However I did get a few injections and I think.. *checks* you can just about see the scars on my stomach from where they cut me open. Obviously I'm not going to show you my stomach so here is an accurate representation I did on paint.

Yeah so that's the story of where my appendix went..

I then got scared for about a month knowing my body part was in some bin somewhere..

Oh yeah I also made this:

Misha xo


  1. That must've sucked. Back in 2007? You were like 9? And those are some sick pics. How do you make them?

    1. Yep, I was 9..That's like one of the moments in my life I remember as if it was yesterday.

      I just used paint to be honest. But for the Dan and Phil one I used bannedstory4

  2. This A-Z thing is an awesome idea! And awesome pics, girlie!!


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