


So recently a lot of members have been making wattpad accounts, so I just thought I would promote my stories. So if you wanna go on my profile click the orange button which is located there →→→

Ya see it? Good! Now I have written two stories so far. One is called Escape Now:

Escape Now cover
It's about a girl who gets raped, kidnapped and forced to be a porn star because of one man's hatred xD. Yeah what it says on the cover :/ Anyway my second story is about a girl who gets pregnant at the age of 17 and has to decide whether to keep it or not and about how her life is like being pregnant at a young age. The cover:

So just click on each of the covers to read them. Oh and they're both PG-13. You have been warned!!

Another thing is that I want to write a new story about a girl who is homosexual. I support homosexuality and even though I have never admitted it I think I am bi. I had a dream last night that I was kissing a girl and damn it felt good. Before that dream I had suspicions because sometimes I'd have thoughts, weird thoughts, which made me think I might be bisexual. I have never told anyone my suspicions because I'm scared of being judged, but I want to write a story about a girl who likes girls. Anyway title suggestions?

Adios Amigos,


  1. "And damn it felt good." xD


    Title suggestions..? Hmm...since this is my hour of dead-brain-ess for TODAY, all I can think of is this long one (which is only KIND OF girly, since it has to do with necklaces. You know, like those ones that are two, but put togehter, is one?)- "The Other Half Of The Necklace" The word "Heart" could be put between "The" and "Necklace"? Sorry, if it were a different time for me, I'd say more ... Maybe I'll check here later if I get more ideas..?,

    er, bon voyage?, Naomi*:.

    1. Haha but it did, I'm gonna use how it felt in the story. Never kissed anyone before. Like proper. xD

      That's a good suggestion! Two I had were: "I kissed a girl" or "It's okay to be gay" :p Heehee

    2. *laugher* Me neither,

      those titles are really good for it! Gahh, now my brain is only tired... :!

  2. Misha...i miss...your books....:'(

    1. I'm sorry RW :( I'll try and upload it's just I have a lot of homework these days and well I never have the time to write them apart from like 10 at night when I'm too tired to type and ideas can't come, also I'm kinda having writer's block, I know what I want to write I just don't know how to write it.

      I'll really try and upload soon..forgive me?

    2. Aww, it's okay!!!!!

      No, I would just be hypocritical if I put it against you...

      It's just that you're an amazing writer!!!!

    3. Awhh thanks bby. You're an epic writer too :D


Respect The Planet Earth