
Rayman Origins!

Recently I have been playing a game with my brother called:
The official front cover.
It's a new game which is out on: PlayStation 3, Nintendo Wii, PS Vita, Xbox 360 and Nintendo 3DS.
Rayman, his best friend Globox and some teensy friends are hanging out by the snoring tree. However when their snoring disrupts an old granny from the land of the Livid Dead, she sends horrific creatures and darktoons across the world, capturing all the electoons that inhabit the world. She also captures Betilla the Nymph and her sisters. It's then your job to rescue the Nymphs, which also give you a different ability every time, and re-collecting all the electoons. Up to four people can play at a time, which means its perfect for a family get together or if you wanna play on your own.

There are different characters you can play as, however the main four characters are:

He is the main character in the game.
When you first play he is automatically chosen
However you can play as three other characters at the start:
There is also: 

The teensies.
My personal favourite is Globox. Anyway as the story proceeds, and you gain electoons, you can unlock new characters. There are different worlds to complete and loads of achievements to unlock.
Another thing you unlock using the electoons are mini-levels where you have to chase a treasure chest to gain a ruby.

The snoring tree.
You can return to the snoring tree at any point in the game to see which characters you have unlocked or if you have gained any rubies, if you take them to the snoring tree, there is a man blocking a door way and it turns out the rubies are his teeth. If you gain all ten he will let you pass through. Oh and you get a notification when you unlock a new character.

Secret Passages.
Also when you play a level look out as there are 2-3 secret passages or secret medallions in the level. In the secret passages you can find more electoons meaning that you can unlock more and medallions give you extra points.

So that's Rayman Origins in a nutshell. I highly recommend it as it is fun and thrilling.

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