
This is farewell

Hey guys.

So the past 9 months of having this blog have been epic. I've loved every moment, I'm not gonna lie but I feel like this is the end of Simply Me-Sha.

It's just I never have the time to make posts anymore with school, all the work I'm given etc. And I find it hard to think of ideas to do because like I've said numerous times my life is very boring. I mean everyone I follow has an interesting life or at least has one with eventful stuff in it. (Note: These will be about people who post regularly I love everyone I follow but I have a bad memory so I'll only remember your posts and stuff if you've uploaded recently sorry :( )

Coolgyal: Even your little posts are amazing. The way you use gifs in nearly every post and use them so well and hardly ever repeat a gif twice amazes me. You're funny, and you always have something to share. Whether it's a video on youtube or an animated movie you love you always come with bright ideas and bright posts.

Petpet: Your posts are amazingly written and there hasn't been one post that I've read which I haven't liked. Okay you don't post frequently but the quality of your posts are so damn good that the large pauses between them are worthwhile. Even if you post about a subject I don't care about I still read your posts because they are just so damn good (yes I used the phrase so damn good twice. I like it)

Anaya: Your posts are adorable and everytime I read one you've made I feel all warm inside. Your new idea about Purple Cloud and her video adventures seems epic and I can't wait to see what it becomes. I think you'll grow into an epic blogger.

ReWi: You always seem to have something going on in your life and it's wonderful. Whether it's good grades at school or a fun day out or even just talking about American Idol (you do that a lot ;)) you make it so fun to read. With pictures and gifs and different styles of writing I'm never bored.

SL: Your posts are amazing. When I read them it feels so real like it's the really you speaking to me. You don't make everything all fluffy. You cut the bullshit and just talk or rant or discuss about whatever you are talking about in that post. I love your posts a lot.

Nom: Now your writing style intrigues me. It's just so unique. You hardly ever use pictures or anything yet I'm never bored of the blocks of writing. And they way you just burst in with random lyrics which fit the situation or cute emotes keeps me on my toes. I've never seen anyone write like you.

You see. You all are incredibly talented and have something to talk about. Me? The most exciting thing that happens in my life is that someone retweets my tweet. But since I'm going to be leaving I want to say thank you to everyone who followed me and has stuck with me until the end.

So thank you to:





Little Owl





Dizzy C

Dizzy C's other account


Noisy Shadow (.:Lol:.)


Brave Sky

Britney Vu

Before I leave I would like to give you all
I'm wrapping my arms around the laptop screen. I actually genuinely did it so y'all better do it too!

Okay I'm off now. I'll leave this blog open though. I'm too lazy to close it off. Plus what if not everyone sees this? Okay I'm going to go now. Goodbye my friends.

I'm not crying there's just a goodbye in my eye (yes that rhymed I am aware of it rhyming)
For the last time Misha xo 


  1. You sure know how to make a tough-ass never-tear girl tear up, Misha!!!! ^~^ (<mix of happy and other-ness...)

    THANK YOU. :O I feel happy now after painting my older sisters toes forever, it seems... Puff! xD

    Earlier I was feeling my usual crap and "I should just give up and no internet people like me." But it does not matter the amount something comes (like "like" and "love", or even "hate".), but if it'd FOR REAL and whom it's from (Which believe me, even though It's like I crush on a new guy every day, it always makes a huge difference in this fourteen year old girl's life. ~_~)


    Small note about your videos: I WILL ACTUALLY WATCH THEM NOW. I don't know about anyone else reading this, but when I meet people on the internet and only know them by their typed up words, and maybe one FB picture--cutting to the chase: I think I have to dress up, brush my hair five times (my looking pretty**), and THEN I can watch a video of them. Cos I just think that Oh crap they can like, SEE ME TOO!! Oh shit! Like uh... YEAH! What am I going to say? Don't make weird faces while laughing if she has humor in real life too: NOTE TO SELF!!

    And "EEEK!!!"

    But seriously, it's a video. I'm just self-conscious these days. I only see YOU. O.O *facepalm*

    Oh right, but I also feel like I'm watching something I shouldn't see ever that's like, some surprise birthday party for my good friend and um...: Just listen to the song titled "Only" by the group "Nine Inch Nails" ((Note: says f word.**)

    Oh and, I get jealous easily over--sadly--like everything. And plus, I want a cool accent (Like, who doesn't?? {I am saying "like" too much, aren't I.. Urgh.}), and then when I saw your comments... I backed off more and um...: The word used for making up more "excuses" to not do a _something_.

    *claps hands together* Wrapping this up, now...


    I hugged my wittle-ittle-wittle ipod screen (btw--STILL CROSSING MY FINGERS AND WISHING YOU WIN THE CONTEST FOR WRITING FROM MONTHS AGO, Teehee.:*), and Yes, Dean's face was on my left boob but I don't care.

    xD xD xD

    At least we've still got the forum, Misha!! ^-^ I still remember our first (probably only, sadly..) convos there... Heehee sorry for being such an Introvert and never randomly saying "*dances in with suit, tie, and top-hat on* Howdy Misha! How's your MONTH so far...? *bright anime smile*" and ryhming your name with other greetings like you did when I was "NGA" (still am, and will always be, technically though... <.<). I'll work on my shy. AND CHAT WITH YA!

    *lazers in to to-do list*

    You expanded my knowledge, and "made my theories true" in many aspects anout like, the UK, and how to not hate Halfschool for being a jerk, and instead just annoying him with many many flowers on Dragon Cave he 'may never know about.'

    1. Like, you told me things you said you'd never told other people before--When we had JUST met! And like, (again with like...too..much... *headesk*), I love that you appreciate my random crazy words with horrible grammar, in my eyes. And all over the place-ness. And then you having posts about bitches and being truthful and putting your heart out!

      Like, YEAH it sucks ass ("arse"**) to see you leave here, but... I guess it just shows everybody to really embrace and realize what you have good in life--(heh) before it's gone and you feel depressed and like no one loves you and you want to die and.. YOU ARE ALONE, and you are (I learned this from a murder case yesterday: feel free to ask but I might not remember when you do...) just "a smudge" or in the way or... you have no point... -_-

      I just relate so much to you, and I hate my jealousy part of my teenager brain because I've lost friendship oppurtunities cos I thought little itty bitty things were "this guy likes HER and now that bitch will get revenge from ME!" *evil laughing that echoes*

      I'll just TRY to catch you more, when you are online and not busy... Because friends are forever, and (so far for me...*sigh* *rolls eyes* *giggle*) boyfriends are for-never.

      Yay for Supernatural!!



      *wipes tears*

    2. I'm just so f**king emotional... >.< Sorry for the three comments...

      I'm going to have my sister do my hair now.

      "Peace, love, solitude, and happiness... Electric Kiss." -Stefani Germanotta

      (For feel of part of my sobs, listen to "Long Live" by Taylor Swift, also. Eep!

      Ok Пока!!!!)

      *slips bag of sugar cookies across the table and through the screen to Misha*



  2. wow misha i'm speechless...*wraps arms around screen*
    but you shouldn't feel sad that your life is not interesting now...i mean, all what lonely teens can do is stay indoors and stay on the laptop. but hey, you're in grade 10 now! soon you'll have a job, have yer own money, get married to a handsome laddie and...you know? it'll be really cool! maybe then, you can give us a heads up that our life will be less boring in the future :p

    i'll...still see you on tumblr and PSF right???

  3. W-what? Aww Misha. We'll miss your posts.

    I'm so speechless, I never thought you would choose to do this!
    Well, good bye good friend. :(
    This blog will rest in peace ♥

    1. Oh umm you really should read my newer blog post..


Respect The Planet Earth