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I. Am. Officially. Dead.

Now I have a few things to explain Am I right? So here goes *deep breath*

1 My Name:

Now this I could explain any time but I thought I just smack it on the end (well beginning of this post) Now most of you know my real name isn't Misha. Some of you even know my real name already. But today in front of all of you I'm revealing it. I used Misha because I was scared of people finding me. But soon I realised, with my first name no one can really find me. I mean unless they have more details, like surnames, school, address that sort of thing.

(And I'm not stupid, I would never give that out, unless I was ordering something online but that's a different story.)

ANYWAY. My name is Minoo. Pronounced Me-noo. Now you can call me Misha, you can call me Minoo you can call me Flabberdabberdingdong for all I care. I just felt like I needed to come out and say it.

2 Now the reason I'm dead:

I am literally physically dead. I feel so damn tired and my school year still isn't over. Let me explain.

I have had tests, tests and more tests these past 2 weeks and they're still not over. Last Tuesday and Wednesday I had Drama Exam, which sounds cool but it was FUCKING TIRING. We were on our feet for SIX HOURS IN TOTAL. And on Wednesday after the exam had finished I thought "YES RELAXATION" but no all I had time for was to get changed and I was back at school for a drama trip.

We watched this play:

Which I'm not going to lie, it was AMAZING. Like the best fucking play I have ever seen.

So Wednesday I get home at 11 and sleep. And now it's relaxation right? Wrong. So okay I had Thursday to relax. But Friday I had rehearsals for my drama production and I had another rehearsal on Monday. Then Monday evening and Tuesday evening I had a performance.

The first one went CRAP. And I mean so damn crap it's going to be it's own post.
The second one went better.

3 What's happening next?

Well tomorrow I have Sports Day
On Thursday I have a Science Exam
On Friday I have a Maths Exam
Then for 2 weeks I have work experience
Then 1 week left of school and I'm done.

Now I'm probably not going to make a post until the work experience (basically until my hectic life calms down)

So I'll see you then!


  1. *reads first few lines*


    Your name isn't Misha?

    My whole life...is a lie. O_O

    1. Yeah sorry about that.. (I literally have nothing else to say)

  2. Aw, sorry Misha! Or should I say...Minoo. :)
    I have the book of that play! Should I read it? Or...would it be not so appropriate for a 12 year old...

    1. it's okay and call me whatever :D

      Umm there was some swearing but apart from that it was fine..maybe you should wait until you're 13? idk it seemed okay to me

  3. W-W-WHAT?! Your name isn't really Misha?!

    [put Surprised Patrick GIF here]



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