
Could you get anymore spoilt??

Wow been nearly a week since I posted

Don't worry, don't worry I didn't forget you guys I was just busy and didn't have a topic to talk about.

Good News: The next two weeks will be pretty hectic so I'll have stuff to talk about! For example tomorrow I could make a blog post about my trip to Tinsel Town an American style diner in London. (Just a note: I'm going tomorrow that's why I'll make it tomorrow xD)

ANYWAY- So I was talking to Anaya and she said something about being spoilt (which she isn't) but she reminded me about a friend I use to have who was spoilt. Like seriously spoilt, spoilt. He's 11 at the moment but I haven't seen him for a year (long story) so this will be based on when he was 10

Before I start with the stories here is just a list of stuff he had:
-A DS as in the old old ones
-2 DS lites (One black, one white)
-3 DSi's (One black, one white, one dark blue)
-An LG cookie
-A Blackberry (as in the phone)
-An Ipod touch
-An Iphone 4
-6-7 dogs (not all at the same time)
-3 cats (not all at the same time)
-A few parrots
-Several guinea pigs
-A chicken
-A pony- YES A PONY
-And much more

NOW TO THE STORY BIT. So yeah just saying what he has doesn't really make him spoilt since 1) He has two older brothers and 2) He didn't get them all at once but listen to the stories and you'll see why I call him spoilt

Story no 1: The DSi colour
So a few years ago, February 2011 to be precise I wanted a DSi. I had wanted a DS for quite a while and now the DSi had been out for almost a year so I asked my mum if I could get one, and she said yes. Now my friend already had a DSi at this moment in time. But recently the new colours had come out and I was getting a light blue one
however because he had a black/white one he was angry because he wanted a coloured one too. So although he had a perfect DSi he literally begged his mum to buy him a coloured DSi too. He ended up getting this one
He also bought two new DS games and a new DSi case although he already had a DSi case and he had many games already.

Story no 2: The LG cookie
On my 12th Birthday (2010) my mum bought me my first mobile phone. It was this:

A week after my birthday my friend (who was 8 at the time) comes to my house with his mum. He spots my phone in the corner of his eye sitting on my desk. He asks me a bit about it and I just assumed he was interested about the phone not interested in BUYING it. So after talking to him about it he runs down the stairs to his mum and asks her to buy him the same phone. She says no but he keeps asking and asking and asking until she eventually said yes. They literally left my house, went to the phone shop 5 minutes away, bought the phone and came back. He got the black one though which looks like this
May I add not only was he EIGHT at the time but he also owned an iPOD TOUCH AT THE TIME FOR GOODNESS SAKE.

There are also other times he acted spoilt but those were the main two stories.



  1. Oh WOW...it's always the youngest kids in the family

    Which is weird because I'm the youngest in my family and I barely get anything...ever. I'm usually forgotten about and well yeah...>.<

    Here's a girl who I think is also VERY spoilt (also lives in the UK)


    1. Haha I know right

      SAME HERE..I know how you feel >_<

      Oh wow, O.O SHE'S IN THE NEWSPAPER I READ (yeah I read the news ^_^)


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