
Umm hey?


2 days into January and my life is exactly the same. Nothing has changed. I really wanna upload stuff regularly but to be honest my life is just one repetitive cycle. It's like my whole life is a book, and there's this one chapter, everyone keeps re-reading. It never changes. The only difference is, what lessons I have or which websites I go on, or what TV shows I watch, minor stuff like that. But it's never majorly different. It's like if my life was a movie I'm at the scene that people just watch over and over again. Okay so tomorrow I'm going to Southampton (A city near London).

[Image is an animated gif of the Tenth doctor from doctor who, played by david Tennant, saying “I don’t want to go” with his words captioned. The image is in black and white, and his hair where it pokes out over his forehead bounces a little as he talks. he has sideburns here. We only see him from the shoulders up, and can see the upper lapels of his pin striped suit and the collar of his shirt beneath. He appears to be inside the TARDIS.]
reblogged for below:






miss you david :(

I stopped watching Doctor Who as soon as he left.

I was glad he went. I really love David but I thought his character was raped by bad writing at times. He came across as a pussy Doctor sometimes, which is alright in small amounts but too much of his sensitive side ruined the Doctor for me. I don’t blame Tennant for this, he made the best out of a bad situation and I do miss him.His regeneration was really really overdone though imo (cue hate messages and unfollows)Love Doctor Who and I always will :) 

I completely agree with you on 10. He was my absolute favorite until around the time when he was on the way out and by then me and my bestie were sort of like GOD, SWITCH IT UP ALREADY. -E

Um, maybe we could not use phrases like “raped by bad writing” and “pussy Doctor”?
I realize that I’m going to get reblogs of people telling me this isn’t a big deal and chill out because who cares if we’re using these words when talking about a TV show, isn’t there bigger stuff out there to worry about?
But sweet fuck, I mean, you wonder why the entire Assange and Mooreandme thing happened? 
It happens because in this shared culture (even between different countries) apparently we can’t even talk about a goddamn TV show without resorting to language that minimizes rape and casts something associated with women (ie - a pussy, though many men and non-binary folks have pussies) in a disrespectful light. 
So how the fuck are we supposed to talk about actual rape survivors and actual rape and actual pussies and actual women with any decency or respect if this is what we’re doing?
It happens because if I want to get in on this discussion just to talk about a TV character, I have to decide if I’m okay with it or have people tell me I’m getting mad at nothing. 
I have to decide if I’m willing to put up with phrases like “raped by bad writing” when I can tell you about my best friend being raped by an actual man who assaulted her against her will and how I got to listen to her tell me about the police telling her it wasn’t even worth filing a report because they wouldn’t do anything about it anyway.
I have to decide if I’m willing to put up with a part of my body being used as a synonym for cowardly, for weak, for oversensitive. 
And the answer is, I’m not. 
I wanted to talk about Doctor Who, now I have to talk about why minimizing rape is NOT OKAY for the billionth time this goddamn year because I know too many rape survivors in my own life and know what shit they were put through during their assaults and afterwards by a society that condoned and defended their rapists to just let it slide like what happened to them is the same thing as a CHARACTER BEING WRITTEN BADLY ON A TV SHOW. 

Reblogged in support of Madame Thursday. I’ve been raped twice this year. Shitty writing is not rape. Leaving your facebook open and someone else posting statuses is not rape. Beating people at COD is not rape. Rape is rape.

but my mother is forcing me. She used emotional blackmail against me. MY MOTHER HAS BLACKMAILED ME TO GO TO A DIFFERENT CITY FOR THE DAY NOOOOOO!
That means No tumblr, no forum, no youtube etc.

But fear not! My mobiley phone has Internet! Not sure if tumblr works on it, but the forum does and most other things do too so I may still get to see/talk to you all! Then when I come back I can update you on my day?

See ya later!!

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