
I swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth

So my life has been hectic. Yes, it's the excuse I always make when I haven't posted for more than a month but when I say hectic I don't even mean that IT'S BEEN FUCKING CRAZY. Let's break it down.

There are 24 hours in a day right?

Well 6 hours I spend at school normally. So that's now 18 hours to go.
Then apart from Tuesdays I have to stay after school due to exams and shit which is from 1-2 hours.
I now have 16/17 hours. Let's say 17.
Now I need at least 7 hours sleep so that means 10 more hours.
I can't not eat right? Eating dinner usually takes me half an hour so that will become 9 hours and a half.
Now I can't just come on the internet when I wake up, I have to get ready which takes me another hour. So that becomes 8 hours and a half.
2 hours homework a day. Let's make that 6 hours and a half.
My showers take about an hour long (my hair is a nightmare to wash) so that means 5 hours and a half to go.
Recently I've been going to many open events for sixth forms and colleges due to leaving school this year which take around 2 hours so that's 3 more hours and half in the day for me.
Idk how much time I spend in the toilet but I'll roughly say half an hour so 3 hours.
I have to spend some time just relaxing right? So let's make it 2 hours.
And then I spend those 2 hours having some me time or whatever.
Plus I forgot about this place.
But you see, my life is so full at the moment I don't really have the time for blogger anymore.
Plus I don't have anything to post because literally at the moment it's all just school work/home work/sixth forms and repeat.

But this being my last year at school got me thinking-
Why is my last year of Secondary School so much more stressful than my last year at Primary. And here are some reasons. *clears throat*

Reason number 1: Exams.
In Year 6 I did have to do exams don't get me wrong but for each subject (English, Maths and Science) there were only 2 papers making 6 exams in total. Plus they weren't that hard.

This year for English I have 2 exams. For Maths I have 2. But for Science I have NINE EXAMS. This is because there are three sciences:
and each science has 3 modules. Plus there is a coursework based exam with each 3 as well called an ISA which I'm doing at the moment.
And that's just the beginning.

I then have 4 exams for Religious. 2 on one day and 2 on another day (May I say my first Religious exam is on my 16th Birthday. Such fun)

Not to add 3 Drama exams which are 6 hours of practical and 3 hours written and I'm doing one of the 3 exams TOMORROW AND TUESDAY.

Then there's history and another 2 exams I believe and finally Spanish which is 2 exams but 4 pieces of controlled assessments along the year.

In total that means this year I have:
-24 exams
-7 pieces of classed based exams.

I have more controlled assessments than I had proper exams in Primary. STRESS

Reason number 2: Further Education.
Now picking a secondary in primary was a breeze. Your parents did most of the work. All you did was say "I like this one and that one" your parents would look it up, check it's grades and how well it is as a school and decide whether or not it's suitable for you. All you would do is a mini exam and that's it. You've done it.

This year however it's all down to you. Your parents don't know what's suitable for you as they don't know how you study, what you're aiming for, what courses you want to take, your goals. YOU need to go to the open events. YOU need to ask about the grades and stuff. YOU need to apply. YOU need to go to an interview. It's all down to YOU.

Now onto a lighter note:
I am currently working on 3 different projects.
1: A story. However you sexy bitches ain't gonna read it for a long time. Before I would just type to my hearts content and fill people in straight after. Now I'm proper planning each character, setting, storyline, relationship, climax, connection, heartbreak, laughter and death to the point before writing properly. I've written bits here and there but until I have at least 5 chapters properly complete you're not gonna see it (maybe snippets though)
2: A book of poems. I have decided to make a book filled with a collection of poems. At first I was gonna call it Life and Death and make half of the poems depressing and the other half light hearted but however good I am at writing poems that will rip your heart out I'm shit at writing poems that will make you smile so currently stuck with that one.
3: My youtube channel. You may have noticed I haven't uploaded for a little while but don't worry I will just like I said with hectic life and shit I don't have time BUT I might film bits of Comic Con which is this Saturday and I have many video ideas, some of which are completely new and others I have mentioned but not filmed yet while others are remakes of my shitty previous videos.

That's really all that's happened in my life since you last saw me. I hope to talk properly soon though.

Love Minoo xo


  1. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!!! You're BAAAAAACK!! (Good "eek," good "eek.") Ahhhh I missed your blogging, Minoo!!~ :OOOO
    And ARE YOU SERIOUS!? You are going to be filming Comic Con??! Holy sh-... shoot! :O On Tumblr there is so much about it, I have been WANTING to see a video from one of the people I follow!!, but now that you are going to have video of it, and HERE...??? :\ (<=my coolios smirk, and not my disappointed one=> :/)..... GIRRRRL...

    YES!!! *really powerful internet highfive*

    I really did miss your blogging tho.

    And WOOOOAH, I wish you LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of luck on all of those exams you have to take, and in finding a school....... Sorry we don't really talk like we used to (when we first met, and I still used Sea Glass Pirate Ship/Me and My Life: Teen Edition)!!

    Пока, Naomi|Katara|°i°d°w°|Shiina

    1. Yup I have returned heehee and hopefully I'll post more frequently. I'm gonna ask my friends who are coming with me too if I can put them up on youtube and if they're fine then yeah I'll film or take pictures of cosplayers, me and my friends and famous people I meet.

      Aww thank you you're so sweet Nom and I know :(( hopefully we can talk more soon :P

      Minoo xo

  2. OMG You're baaaaccckkkk!!!!!! :D I have missed you soooo much!!

    1. Yep I'm back!

      Aw thank you, now that school's starting after my one week break idk how much I can post but I'll try to stay more updated than usual


Respect The Planet Earth