
English Speech

Hey Guys,

So for English I have to make a speech about either something I'm passionate about or something that annoys me. I've decided to do the annoyed one and here's my speech. I'd love to have some feedback. Oh and I'm allowed to have up to 3 pictures to help me with my points. (I only have one at the moment) (I go to an all girls school btw)

Hi, my name is Minoo, and what annoys me is sexism. People think that sexism is a thing in the past, with the whole suffragette movement, getting women the right to vote, the fact that women can work now among other things but sexism is still around. Don't you hear people saying "You fight/kick/throw like a girl" when they're bad at something? Like being a girl means you can't fight/kick/throw? Don't you remember the amount of times we're told that get paid less than men?

Sexism annoys me because when I show you this picture (one above) all of you will pick the one with hairy legs as the man because apparently women can't have hairy legs. However who says that? Society. And really, up until now, who has been the dominant voice when it has come to society? Men. Sexism annoys me because recently in Texas, they tried to make abortion illegal. The people who tried to pass this law were men. Men who will never be pregnant. Men who will never know the feeling of having something inside you that you genuinely don't want. Personally I don't agree with abortions but if a woman decides to terminate her pregnancy I would let her as it's her life, her choice and as long as it doesn't affect me it's none of my business. Sexism annoys me because if a man goes outside topless no one really cares but if a woman goes out in a crop top and shorts she's called a "slut", a "slag", a "whore" or get's wolf whistled at. This has happened so many times that no one even realises how sexist we're being. "Oh that girls skirt is shorter than everyone else's, must be a tart" or "I heard she's had sex with 3 different guys. Such a whore" but if a guy has sex with 3 different girls everyone else is just like "Go on mate, getting all the chicks" Sexism annoys me because most people believe that only a woman can get raped or abused and the men can be the only one who commits it because a woman is a fragile, delicate, gentle creature who is always in distress while the man is the strong, powerful one. Sexism annoys me because even when a man does get raped or abused by a woman he is too scared to speak out because he thinks a woman hurting him is something to be ashamed of, like it takes away his manliness. I remember once when I was in Primary we had a tug of war competition and one girl beat every single boy. Nevertheless most people believe all men are stronger than women. Sexism annoys me because if a girl plays video games people say that she's only playing them to seem more attractive in front of guys, as if a girl can't play something for her own enjoyment. Sexism annoys me because whatever a woman does a man will try and link it to himself as though the world revolves around him. Most of all sexism annoys me because despite the fact the only thing that males have that females don't is a penis* people still think that females are lower than them.

*not sure if allowed to say in actual speech


  1. I totally agree with everything you've mentioned.

    I'm not sure if a few of those words would be appropriate for a speech... but I guess it all depends on your school.

    It's sad to women being treated unfairly because of gender. Men have no right to belittle women... After all, women create life in their body. (Okay, I'm going to stop there before things get serious.)

    But I think sexism is a great subject to talk about, Misha.

    1. Thanks and yeah I know..I just don't know how to put it any other way to be honest


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